Eager to learn everything she can about her new abilities as an Immortal, Ever turns to her beloved Damen to show her the way. But just as her powers are increasing, Damen’s are waning.
In an attempt to save him, Ever travels to the magical dimension of Summerland, where she learns the secrets of Damen’s tortured past; a past which he has always kept hidden from her. But in her quest to cure Damen, Ever discovers an ancient text that details the workings of time. Now Ever must choose between turning back the past and saving her family from the accident that claimed their lives—or staying in the present and saving Damen, who grows sicker every day...
As Damen is trying to teach Ever everything he knows, Damen's past comes to hunt him. Ever doesn't trust the new the new student named Roman. Soon after he arrives in school Damen becomes sick, the students become one group and turn on Ever, including Damen. He accuses her of being obssesed and a stalker. Through out the book Ever travels to Summerland trying to find a way to help Damen and save his life. During her trips to Summerland she finds out she can go back in time and maybe save their lives, but she chose Damen. I have enjoyed this series so far and I cant wait till the 3rd book that will be released later this year.